
The qgates.qfn includes helper functions for manipulating quantum gate and state matrices.

Specifically functions for creating state vectors, calculating the tensor product, matrix multiplication, and conjugating a number or matrix.


Contains helper functions for working with quantum gates.

qgates.qfn.conjugate(v: Union[complex, list, numpy.ndarray], *args, **kwargs) → Union[complex, numpy.ndarray]

Returns the complex conjugate of v.


v – number, vector, or matrix to conjugate

qgates.qfn.matmul(a: numpy.ndarray, *b: numpy.ndarray) → numpy.ndarray

Performs matrix multiplication between two or more

  • a – Start value for matrix multiplication

  • b – One or more other values for tensor product

qgates.qfn.state(arr: Union[int, Iterable]) → numpy.ndarray

Creates a state vector from either an iterable of 1s and 0s (or from an int that will be converted to a state vector based on its binary representation.


arr – Int or iterable for creating state vector

qgates.qfn.tens(a: Union[int, float, list, numpy.ndarray], *b: Union[int, float, list, numpy.ndarray]) → numpy.ndarray

Computes the tensor product of two (or more) vectors/matrices.

  • a – Start value for tensor product

  • b – One or more other values for tensor product